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50 Facts Unique in the World

Posted by HW All In One on Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

50 Facts Unique in the World

  1. The State of Indonesia is in the 4th position as the World's Most Beautiful Country First Choice version of the site.
  2. In Italy, the rules Cappuccino drinks should only be drunk before noon time.
  3. The US, Australia, Finland, Germany and Canada adl developed countries without UN. Did you know there's trbaik schools in Finland even without UN.
  4. "Jengkol is very nice" comments vocalist Pierre Bouvier of Simple Plan.
  5. Each one of our finger clicking a mouse computer, there are 1,42 calories burned in the body (Research, Convert Anything to Calories).
  6. In ancient Japan, soldier toad oil smeared on their bodies in the belief that it will make them puncture-proof body.
  7. In Japan, fell asleep while working (Inemuri) can be tolerated, because it is seen as the fatigue that comes from working too hard.
  8. Mechanical saws was originally created as a medical tool to help deliver the baby.
  9. Do not often say the word "root" in Australia and New Zealand. There, the word "root" means getting to have sex.
  10. Mushroom Laetiporus known as the nickname "partridge" because it supposedly tastes just like chicken fried.
  11. Frog legs are a special dish in Europe. Did you know: about 80% of imported European frog comes from Indonesia.
  12. If you type "do the harlem shake" in the YouTube search bar, the screen will do the Harlem Shake !. [Google Chrome]
  13. Looking through the small hole will immediately improve your vision temporarily.
  14. YouTube says the average there are 4000 new Harlem Shake videos uploaded every day (Yahoo)
  15. The ant has its own grave. But you know: Octopuses have a garden and likes gardening. (Wikipedia)
  16. Chocolate contains theobromine, organic molecules that can help strengthen tooth enamel. (Research of Tulane University).
  17. Women 2 times more likely to use emoticons in text messages than men. (Studies at Rice University)
  18. Even Buzz Aldrin was the second man who stepped on the moon, but he was the first to throw dirt in space
  19. The next unique fact is, psychologists say that the sending and receiving text messages really can improve your mood when you feel lonely. (Telegraph)
  20. Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia never colonized.
  21. Music has the ability to repair brain damage and restore lost memories. (Cracked .com)
  22. Feelings of loneliness trigger the same response in the brain as physical pain (BBC News)
  23. In Cape Town, South Africa, teenage boys who had missing teeth is considered handsome / masculine.
  24. The bitter chocolate (theobromine high), the higher the benefits. Diligent consume chocolate 1bar / day can cure chronic cough.
  25. The word "Mouse" (rat) is derived from the Sanskrit derivative "Mus" which means "thief".
  26. Naps (Power Nap) trbukti add height, while we nap dikrnkan growth hormone (Growth Hormone) active lbh work.
  27. The world's largest prime number is currently 17 million digits long, enough to fill 28 pages in paperback.
  28. According to a study, drinking green tea after eating fish helps blocking substances contained in fish Mercury enters the bloodstream.
  29. Extend the phone up to 4 years of age can reduce the environmental impact by up to 40 percent. [Results of studies in Switzerland]
  30. Sit together with friends / family eating a shared, collapsible increase happiness and help alleviate depression (Ehealthnewsdaily)
  31. Abibliophobia is a phobia or fear of running out of reading material.
  32. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the salt is very expensive, so-called "white gold".
  33. Chewing gum can improve the ability to think quickly and alertness by 10 percent (Journal of Brain and Cognition)
  34. Women who are stressed during pregnancy tend to give birth to children who are grumpy (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London)
  35. It is recommended that you buy shoes in the afternoon. Because, after a day of walking, in the afternoon of the foot will swell 5-8 percent.
  36. Music has the ability to repair brain damage and restore lost memories. [Cracked .com]
  37.  According to new research, life expectancy of the average boy band higher than the musicians who chose a solo career (DetikHealth)
  38. The island of Bali is one of the 10 most romantic island in the world (Travel + Leisure magazine)
  39. University in Japan always perform a memorial service for animals (eg mice) that died in laboratory testing. [Web.archive .org]
  40. Flashing give your brain a break. [Scientists at Japan's Osaka University]
  41. Women who are happy in a marriage will experience weight gain half a pound (0.22 kg) every 6 months. [Daily Mail]
  42. Jealousy could be classified excessive mental illness, krna interchangeable push ssorg For suicide / slay another org. [Research]
  43. Eating tomatoes several times within a period of a week interchangeable overcome feelings of depression (Researchers at Tianjin Medical Univ, China)
  44. Feelings of loneliness trigger the same response in the brain as physical pain (BBC News)
  45. In Cape Town, South Africa, teenage boys who had missing teeth is considered handsome / masculine.
  46. ​​Hugging people who cherished interchangeable help lower blood pressure reduce stress and
  47. anxiety, bahkn interchangeable improve memory (Daily Mail)
  48. The word "Mouse" (rat) is derived from the Sanskrit derivative "Mus" which means "thief". 48. Walking or biking to school students in the class to sharpen concentration and remained about 4 hours later (Medical Daily)
  49.  According to global market research Euromonitor International, a Korean man is the man most like to preen of other men in the world.
  50.  The average person will feel 100 percent healthy / fit only 61 days a year (Research in the UK)

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